IGB International School
Kiddy123 Frame
The children's house
Odyssey, The Global Preschool (Mont Kiara)
Small Wonder Malaysia

Frequently Asked Questions

Found 66 records

What are Default Locations?

What happens if I delete a site?

What I have to do after I create a new site?

I am using the multi-domain feature, can I use different locations levels for each site?

I am using the multi-domain feature, can I add different locations for each site?

How can I setup a Twitter API to work with users profile and last tweets?

I am using the multi-domain feature, how will the import work?

I want to use the multi-domain feature, how can I enable it?

How can I setup a Twitter API to work with Chek In feature?

What is the field Listing ID/Event ID?

What is the recommended size of my CSV file?

What are the fields Start Time Mode and End Time Mode?

What is Favicon? And where is it used?

How can I setup my Twilio API?

O que significam os status das transações do PagSeguro?

How do I signup for a Google Maps API?