IGB International School
Kiddy123 Frame
The children's house
Small Wonder Malaysia
Odyssey, The Global Preschool (Mont Kiara)

Frequently Asked Questions

Found 66 records

When is the "Claim this ad" link available?

Who can "Claim this ad"?

Can I turn off "Claim this ad" for a listing?

What is Default Image? And Where is it used?

My .csv file must have the same columns as the .csv sample file?

Can I delete any column on the .csv file import?

Do I have to put my .csv file on the same order as the import .csv sample file?

Can I make imports with the same account? And different accounts?

What happens if I misspell location on the import?

What happens if I misspell a category on import?

How many categories can I import?

Can I import any username/password?

Do I have to import all items with an account?

What happens if I import more than one item with the same title?

What information is required to make the import work?

How can I import listings to have the "claim this ad" link for the claim feature?

Can I rollback an import?

How can I rollback imported data?

Can I delete an imported data log?

What is "Badge"?

What are the listing types?

I am using the multi-domain feature, how can I see the items of the sites at the site manager area?

Which type of modifications the listing types support?

How can I add videos to my listing/event?

How do the Import Settings work?

How can I disable an Email Notification?

How can I enable Google Maps?

How does the "Sign me in automatically" work?

What happens if I forget my password?

How can I change my password?

Can I change my username?

Can I change my items status (active, pending or suspended)?

Can I change my item level?

Can I add categories to my deal?

What is the "Click to Call & Send to Phone" feature and how the Twilio api works?

Am I required to have an account to add items to the site?

How can I sign up for an account?

What determines which listings appear as Featured Listings on the Home Page and main Listings page?

Why am I receiving an 'Account Locked' message?

How can I setup Facebook App ID and Facebook App Secret?

Como habilito o PagSeguro no meu diretório?

What happens with the items when I disable a level?

How does the "Featured Categories" work?

Can I edit the maintenance page?

What happens when I enable maintenance mode?

Can I change my Locations Options all the time?

My directory is using a Default Locations but now I want to use other locations. What should I do?

What is the option “Show default” in Setting Locations?

What is Setting Locations?

How do I choose the locations levels I want to use?