by on 28/03/2024 9738
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Founded in 2009, InspiraSeed Kindergarten, Bandar Puteri, Puchong is a unique kindergarten that treasures children as respected individuals.
Principal and founder Jovy Lee is passionate about delivering the best education the school can offer and is constantly looking for new and creative ways to stimulate holistic learning and upgrade the school’s syllabus.
Together with a team of loving educators and a clear vision, the school provides children with an amazing experience that supports their important, formative years.
One of the key highlights of InspiraSeed Kindergarten is its unique thematic approach, which revolves around nature and the outdoors. This approach is blended with Montessori as its foundation, whilst still adhering to the national preschool curriculum.
Children are enveloped within lush greenery as soon as they step into the school’s premises. Leafy trees, plants, and a spacious, well-manicured lawn provide plenty of room for physical activity and exploration.
An airy, semi-open learning space next to the garden acts as a ‘bridge’ between the indoors and outdoors, with wooden flooring and floor-to-ceiling windows that provide natural lighting.
Spaces within the school are also filled with lots of natural elements and curiosity-sparking materials since children learn best through hands-on experimentation and play.
These materials change according to the theme of the month. During Kiddy 123’s visit, there was a table laden with things found in nature such as reeds, pine cones, cotton balls, and dried lotus pods.
Another section was dedicated to insects, with colourful photos of the different types of wild bee hives, posters of the honeybee and butterfly life cycle, as well as flash cards that teach the children about the different parts of an insect, such as the wings and thorax.
Lessons at InspiraSeed are not just confined to classrooms but can happen anywhere, anytime. Children learn to observe, ask questions, and make their own discoveries.
A typical school year spans several themes inspired from natural education and forest schooling. The goal is to drive curiosity, stimulate interests, and have fun, all in the name of learning.
Children use their senses to understand more about the world around them, and bond over experiences such as checking out the habitats of local insects and learning about vegetation while enjoying fresh air.
Last year, for example, the children studied about forests, the flora and fauna within them, and the importance of protecting the environment.
On a field trip to a local forest settlement, they engaged in ‘pretend’ play by envisioning the forest to be owned by the Maasai people, an African tribe in Kenya.
Aside from basic survival skills, they were also taught more about the culture and the important role people play as stewards of the environment.
Extending this theme further in another semester, children visited a forest reserve with their parents and learned about the different parts of a tree, recording their findings in illustrations.
These activities are not only engaging but help with the child’s academic development as well. For instance, by measuring the size of the tree trunk, they can grasp and apply mathematical concepts in real life.
"Natural education provides all-round development for the child. In school, subjects such as English, Mathematics, or science, may be taught separately. But in nature, children are exposed to all of them in one ‘lesson’,” says Lee.
That isn’t to say learning isn’t reinforced in a formal classroom setting – but rather than have the children pore over textbooks and worksheets, teachers utilise themes to present materials in a creative manner.
For instance, teachers may have a storytelling session or language activities on insects after a bug hunt.
The school also puts a twist to the traditional kindergarten year-end concert, by incorporating the themes they have learned throughout the school year into a drama or musical. They have previously created special videos where the children can hone their presentation, acting, and public speaking skills.
Thanks to these variable learning environments, children thrive in their sense of creativity, independence, and confidence. Plus, they always have some say over what they learn, including topics that interest them.
InspiraSeed Kindergarten teachers are constantly brainstorming to provide children with the best educational experiences that help them grow into competent individuals who are equipped with the skills to succeed anywhere life brings them.
Most importantly, they want children to come in happy every day, enjoy learning, make friends along the way, and be fundamentally developed to cope with primary schooling.