by on 18/12/2019 10821
If there was a way that you, as a parent, could manipulate conditions in favour of your child’s success and happiness in life, would you do it? The fact is, many talents and traits are already predetermined in your child’s genes. Knowing what these traits are will help you plan out the most ideal path for your child’s journey in life, with the best outcomes imaginable!
This is what the Neucleus Decode Talent DNA Test is all about.
Will your child shine best as a musician? Or perhaps being an engineer is his true destiny? To learn more about Neucleus talent decoding, Kiddy123 met up with Dr Shane, PhD, for a better understanding of this revolutionary test and how parents can make the most of it.
When it comes to talent, many think that hard work is the sole factor (100%) contributing to the success of the child. However, we have seen friends who learn art or music much faster than others, while some are simply more gifted in mathematics and academic achievement.
Everything boils down to what’s in our DNA for everyone is unique at a genetic level. In 2015, after reviewing all the twin studies in the last 50 years where 14 million twins from 39 countries were evaluated, global scientists discovered that genes contribute up to 49% (instead of 0%) while external factors are only 51% (instead of 100%) for their success.
This is important to keep in mind, for a child may have the most wonderful hidden talent, but if his parents don’t know about it, and don’t take appropriate measures to nurture that talent, it will be doomed to remain ‘hidden’!
Since the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003, scientists have successfully associated the genes of humans to how well (or poorly) their bodies function, i.e. the chances of acquiring certain diseases, their unique nutritional needs, what kind of sports they might excel, their natural inborn talents, as well as their personalities. This global collaborative research, as shared to us by Dr Shane, has been in motion since 1990, when scientists started comparing the similarities of individuals with specific talents.
It was discovered, for instance, that individuals who were musically inclined (i.e. they have perfect pitch, skilled at playing musical instruments etc.) had unmistakable similarities among them from a genetic level. The human DNA, it appears, can literally reveal things about a person that even their own mom and dad would not have known!
Due to this discovery, it’s apparent too, that we’re all unique, and there was never a one-size-fits-all. So, it makes perfect sense that by knowing the specific traits, talents and strengths that their children possess, parents can have an added advantage in paving an easier, more meaningful pathway for their success, and ultimately, their happiness.
Who doesn’t want to be the best versions of themselves? However, as parents, are we nurturing our children based on our expectations or according to the inborn talents of our children?
Things need not be that way for our children though, especially since the introduction of Decode Talent DNA Testing (DTDT) that will help reveal useful information about them from a genetic level! The recommendation is to have this test done from the youngest age possible. Why? Because children learn the most, and the fastest, during the first few years of life. On top of that, many natural talents may not be obvious at a young age. Take a closer look at some of the most talented people on earth and you’ll find that most of them have honed their skills since childhood. So, knowing this, wouldn’t you as a parent want to leverage on this critical time frame if you have a list of crucial genetic clues about your child?
To date, the DTDT has already changed the lives of many families who have discovered their children’s talents and personalities, and hence were able to start tapping into all their potentials. It is by far the most comprehensive and accurate genetic testing that covers five areas, namely Talents, IQ, EQ, Personality, and Overall Wellness, whereby the DNA samples are compared to the world’s largest database of Asian genetics. The entire process delivers the most accurate and reliable results. Without a doubt, what we have at hand is an absolute advantage for our children. And, to top it off, it’s just a once-in-a-lifetime test, for the human DNA does not undergo changes.
“The reason this question is important is because millions of parents worldwide think they’re doing what’s best for their child, but in reality, they’re not. Not because they don’t care, but rather, because they don’t know their child’s true potential,” Dr Shane explained. It’s not hard to conclude now, why the term ‘hidden potential’ is always used in childhood enrichment centres, for these potentials cannot be detected by the naked eye. But a child’s DNA is capable of telling a comprehensive story of what makes him unique, giving his parents the edge in determining what steps to take to hone a potentially mind-boggling skill!
Early childhood development, which includes enrichment classes and talent development can be quite tricky, and not to mention, costly! Countless parents place high hopes in their children only to be met with disappointment when their kids fail to thrive. This would not be the case if parents have the insight they need into their child’s true talents - for only then will they be able to effectively groom them.
Determining a child’s true talent should never be a guessing game. In terms of successful grooming, you’d want to dig a well at a place with the highest chance of getting water with the least amount of effort. Dr Shane explained with conviction
DTDT not only reveals a child’s potentials as well as inborn talents, but it also alerts parents on the child’s potential weaknesses, in terms of personality as well as health. The test can point out to parents if their child has a tendency to be lonely, hyperactive, over-sentimental, depressed, etc, and/or if there are tendencies towards myopia, obesity, smoking, alcoholism - for all of these and more are coded into their DNA! If the test reveals a likelihood of a weak memory, parents can take some crucial early step, such as enrolling them into memory training programmes, to help nip the issue in the bud. On the other hand, if there is potential in mathematics, for instance, parents can ensure the kind of nurturing required to bring up a math whizz., As Dr Shane put it, “At the end of the day, genetics will load the gun, but it’s nurturing that pulls the trigger.”
Unfortunately, many triggers are not pulled properly, whereby precious time is wasted when it can be used to help children sharpen a natural skill they were born with, or, just as importantly, work on an issue that may potentially harm their future successes.
There are many skills and talents that can only flourish in a person’s lifetime if they are picked up and nurtured during early childhood. So, in terms of DNA decoding, if this golden opportunity is missed, key information on hidden talents, or weaknesses, as mentioned earlier on, will also be missed.
The first step is to make an appointment with the highly qualified and experienced team of scientists at any schools or cafe which are convenient for parents. Parents can cast aside images of blood being drawn into syringes for this test. Nor do they have to contend with mystifying revelations of life’s events from reading the lines and grooves on the palm, or from a child’s birth date. What DTDT offers is pure, science-based facts, coded into a child’s genes. DNA samples are retrieved through cheek swabs in a simple and fast procedure, and then sent to an ISO accredited genetic lab in Singapore for sequencing and analysis. There, a team of experienced bioinformaticians will work to decode the DNA sample whereby a report is produced.
A total of 46 results encompassing a child’s Talent, IQ, EQ, Personality and Wellness potentials which are coded in the human DNA are clearly revealed through a single test that offers an accuracy of up to 99.9%. “Our lab in Singapore has the world’s largest database for Asian genetics,” Dr Shane revealed. “Therefore, we are currently the leader in Asian genetics to ensure the highest quality tests with highly accurate results.”
The analysis accuracy of the test is backed by thousands of scientific publications from top universities and research institutes all around the world via a global collaboration since the last 30 years on the aforementioned Human Genome project, involving hundreds of thousands of people to acquire research output. Therefore, parents can rest assured that the resulting report in DNA decoding is evidence-based, and that it offers an assurance of high accuracy.
With a DTDT report in hand, a one-on-one consultation session with parents will help them strategize the most effective developmental plan for children. As many parents have already discovered, knowing a child’s true potential makes a huge difference in a family's life, for they’ll know exactly what steps to take, backed by science, to open all the right doors for the child. It is, almost literally, a guide through life, provided you utilise it well.
We at Kiddy123 strongly encourage every parent to schedule an appointment with the scientists at Nuecleus Talent Decoding today and take the first step to literally unlock your child’s hidden potential!