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HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)

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HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)

Essential Details

Centre's Category: Preschool / Kindergarten / Tadika / Taska, Taska / Childcare (below 4yo), Tadika / Kindergarten (4 - 6yo)

Year Established: 2010

Student Age Group: 3 - 6 years old

Program / Teaching Method: G.R.A.C.E Methodology

Medium of Communication: English

Average Class Size: 1 : 12

Available Classes: Bahasa Melayu, English, Chinese, Science, Leadership Classes & Farming

Facilities: Outdoor Playground & Sustainable Farm

Admission & Fees: From RM700 - RM1,700

Disclaimer: School fees are subject to change at the discretion of the school. Kindly get in touch with the school for the most up-to-date information upon application and enrolment.

Meals Provided: Yes

Transportation Service: Yes

Other Services: Music, Speech and Drama, Creative art, Day Care, English Tuition

Operating Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday Close

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HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)

Editor's Review

HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway)HANKidz Leadership Preschool, Bandar Sri Subang (Sunway) utilises effective practices to transform children into enlightened leaders. They ensure children believe in their own abilities and help play their part to make our world a better place. READ FULL REVIEW


Our Vision
Creating world peace and abundance by developing enlightened leaders through children

Our Mission
We create the ultimate platform for children to live up to their full potential by providing the greatest experiential learning moments through a team of fabulous coaches.

Our Purpose
To awaken the consciousness of human beings towards unconditional love & compassion, through quality education and deliberate collaborations to create economic growth.

Core Values

- Focus & build the vision
- WOW children with love
- Embrace openness
- Give & serve excellently
- Learn & grow intentionally
- Take ownership & be responsible
- Spark wackiness


Parents Testimonials (27)

Alexis Chan rates this listing with

My child is able to show more compassion, emphathy and motivated to learn and complete her homework at home so that she could strive in school. I love HANKidz because of how dedicated the teacher is and has been constantly over delivering thus have built a strong and deep connection with my child over the years. Thank you teacher for your dedication, sincerity and love for the children.

17/10/2024 - 05:56 pm


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Mogana rates this listing with

My child has been showing improvements in term of her recognising new words and numbers. I love HANKidz because the school has been providing a safe, fun and nurturing space for my child. Thank you teachers for your dedication for creating a warm and welcoming learning environment for my child, we truly appreciate each one of you!

17/10/2024 - 05:55 pm


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Magz rates this listing with

My child has been able to communicate better and is able to share how she feels verbally and also better adaption in school. I love HANKidz because the teachers are really kind and dedicated with their job. Thank you teachers, you all are doing an amazing job!

17/10/2024 - 05:55 pm


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Saima rates this listing with

My child has tremendosouly improved with communicating and listening, I love HANKidz so much, this is the best school! Thank you teachers, I really appreciate the effort!

17/10/2024 - 05:55 pm


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Maurice rates this listing with

My child has been able to emphatise and share well with others. I love HANKidz because the teachers and coaches are well trained and knowledgable on early age development. The teachers as well has been very patient and caring towards my child, keep it up!

17/10/2024 - 05:54 pm


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Allister Chew rates this listing with

My child has been more vocal and is able to communicate with more confidence. I love HANKidz because of the fun education. Teachers are very passionate in providing in children's growth.

17/10/2024 - 05:54 pm


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Celine rates this listing with

My child has been more confident and being more responsible to practice learning spelling / ejaan. I love HANKidz because of their program and concept of developing children as future leaders. My child love the teachers so much!

17/10/2024 - 05:53 pm


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Sherrin Liew rates this listing with

This year, my child has improved so much on his emotions and behaviours, he has been more creative and finding ways to adapt self care tasks. I love everything about HANKidz, their education teaching method and supportive environment. Thank you teacher for constantly showering your care and commitment, you have made a significant difference in his learning experience. You guys are superb!

17/10/2024 - 05:53 pm


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Chen Chin rates this listing with

My child has been able to communicate better and proactively approaching other to start conversation, he has also been having more responsibility at home! I love HANKidz because of the fun and creative activities for children's learning and also the prompt feedbacks and updates on my child's behaviours. Thank you teachers for being so patient with helping my child to manage his emotions so that he could exoress himself better!

17/10/2024 - 05:52 pm


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Michelle Yong rates this listing with

My child is now able to write in Mandarin and English as well as some simple Bahasa words. I love HANKidz because the teachers are so friendly, thank you for your dedication!

17/10/2024 - 05:51 pm


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Suaizin rates this listing with

My child has been able to converse more fluently and have more confident in the thing she does. I love HANKidz because of the fun engagement activities for my child to learn. Thank you teachers for over delivering and you guys have exceed from our expectations.

17/10/2024 - 05:51 pm


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Chee Tack rates this listing with

My child has been picking and improving in new vocabularies in these languages like Mandarin and Bahasa. I love HANKidz because they always have a lot of activities and uses fun ways of teaching for the children's learning. Meantime teachers has been providing us with lots of updates on how my child is like in school along with suggestions on what can child do better to improve.

17/10/2024 - 05:50 pm


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Lim Fei Tieng rates this listing with

My child has been more open to receiving advice even though sometimes still cries but still opens up room for discussion, my child can also follow to rules and commitments that's given to her. My child has also been showing imrpovements with calculation and suku kata reading. I love HANKidz because of the close communication between teacher and parents as changes can be adapted accordingly to the child's needs. Thank you teachers for going extra mile and putitng extra effort to support and guide her emotionally.

17/10/2024 - 05:50 pm


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Jayasree rates this listing with

My child has been improving in her English language, she is able to use new words in her daily life. I love and feel safe that my child is placed in a secure place. Thank you teacher for being so caring and understanding towards my child!

17/10/2024 - 05:49 pm


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Samantha Ong rates this listing with

My child has been happy lately and has show much improvement in being independent. I really love the teachers in HANKidz, the dedication and effort and love that teachers put in nurturing my child.

17/10/2024 - 05:49 pm


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Joni rates this listing with

My child has been more sociable, especially with the same age group of children. What I really love about HANKidz is the core values instilled. Thank you teachers for being so passionate and giving the best for my child!

17/10/2024 - 05:48 pm


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Mike rates this listing with

My child has been showing improvements in her coordination and increased of vocabularies. I love how HANKidz instill leadership for children at a young age and also having outdoor and messy play for my child to learn. Thank you teachers for your dedication and constantly smiling.

17/10/2024 - 05:48 pm


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Ruzhi Shen rates this listing with

My child has improved in communicating with English in class. I love HANKidz because there are lots of events for the children to learn in an inetersting way and this will help them feel excited too. Meantime, teachers there are so lovely and friendly, you guys are excellent!

17/10/2024 - 05:47 pm


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Lim Boon Ho rates this listing with

My child can now comminicate and describe a simple scenario with using English. I love how HANKidz handle every situation with care.

17/10/2024 - 05:46 pm


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Sharlini Apparao rates this listing with

In the times of the new normal, the teachers at HANKidz Leadership Preschool are tech savvy and are creative in creating a fun and fruitful online learning session for the little leaders. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the teachers for doing an amazing job and for being so innovative in keeping the momentum of classes up. Kudos to all the teacher's on a job well done and to adopting to the changes so swiftly. Thank you!

18/06/2021 - 02:23 pm


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Sharlini (Mom of Ishika) rates this listing with

I wanted to tell you I really like the way Teacher Iqa conducts the class and I can tell Ishika is very comfortable with her. I can see even during the online class Ishika is paying attention and able to communicate most of the time without my help. I feel she has a very good connection with all the children and I can tell by the way the children respond all the children love and respect her too.

02/02/2021 - 04:26 pm


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Jacynth, mother of Goh Ee Rol rates this listing with

My daughter starts to learn focus since she attended school. She can now stay focus watching movie for more than 30mins, compared to previous of 10-15mins. Also she starts to ask questions whenever she is curious about a phenomenon. I feel HANKidz teachers are passionate, friendly and sporting. I like to see my daughter dance and sing when she returns to home. That's the happiest moment listening to her sharing at school.

14/12/2020 - 01:47 pm


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Samatha Ng, mother of Ying En rates this listing with

I like the way HANKidz being positive and proactive to improve the online lessons from time to time and taking initiatives to let the children join leader’s assemble (evening fun activities) everyday to let the children spend time more meaningfully rather than watching videos or doing nothing at home. My children have fun doing music and movement on Mon, making some desserts or simple snack on Tue art and craft on Thu.

14/12/2020 - 11:50 am


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Vijaya, parent of Haishwaryaa rates this listing with

Today she was cried aloud couldn't join the 4pm class... That's how she's love the teachers, students, programmes and school. You couldn't believe it, every morning she open HANKidz preschool website & watched ... and shared to my brekkie hour mummies (my friends)

11/11/2020 - 01:47 pm


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Tung Lai Kuen, mother of Ailish and Ryfus rates this listing with

我喜欢学校的体验式教学,老师的热情和活力还有咨询沟通。因为可以知道孩子们的进展,老师的活力也可以影响孩子的心情, which I very appreciate. 我的女儿她会 thankful everything she has, 我的儿子can do everything by himself like brush teeth and wear cloths. 我很满意这间学校。谢谢。

20/02/2020 - 12:14 pm


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Chevy Ng, mother of Darius rates this listing with

My son will try different ways that he learnt from school to pronounce the new word that he never learnt. He is now more creative, more imagination. and also more mature. The method and ways of teaching in school are easy and interesting that allow my child to learn and remember easily.

22/09/2019 - 12:13 pm


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Darren Hoh, father of Anson Hoh rates this listing with

I realize my son can recognize more words and he is now more outgoing, not so shy compare to last time. I like the teachers here because all of them are dedicated and lovely. The events at school also interesting like Halloween and Leader's Day, that give us the chance as parents to experience different thing.

08/03/2019 - 12:14 pm


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