by on 18/03/2021 5066
You often read about developing leadership skills for workplace success but not so much when it comes to early childhood development. Preschools heavily promote other foundational skills, such as early literacy, motor skills, and social and emotional support, but only a handful focus on leadership.
No child is born a leader. Although there is some debate on whether some are born with such innate qualities, it is important for us, as adults, to help children develop leadership skills at a young age. Scrape the mindset that children are too young for this or children are too young to understand. The earlier we can instill leadership skills in children, the sooner it becomes second nature, just like learning to read or riding a bike.
Want your child to be able to participate in new experiences with confidence, communicate effectively, work collaboratively with others, take personal responsibility and solve problems creatively? (Note: These are vital qualities that will empower children to lead their own learning and contribute positively to academic results.)
Read on for some easy ways to cultivate the leadership skills children need to thrive in the 21st century:
(Self-confidence is necessary for leaders to take risks and accomplish goals.)
(Leaders have to communicate his vision and goals to his team so as to motivate them to achieve them.)
(Leadership and teamwork have a direct impact on the ability to carry out a mission and achieve goals.)
(A good leader needs to have the ability to manage his emotions and behaviour in accordance with the demands of the situation.)
Children with ADHD may find it difficult to manage their emotions. If you are concerned that your child might have ADHD, schedule a screening appointment with your nearest special education centre.
(Leaders with creative problem-solving skills can continuously feed future organisational growth and success, and inspire others along the way.)
Here are some nuggets of advice from the principals of two leadership preschools – Shambala Kidz Leadership Pre-School & SunnySeeds Academy – that parents can easily use at home to improve children's leadership skills:
Ms. Maclaine Yee, Principal
• Problem-Solving & Decision-Making: Present problem-solving and decision-making skills in the form of fun group games, e.g. build a bridge that won’t collapse using given materials; or untangle the human knot game.
• Teamwork: While a cooking or baking activity sounds simple, it requires a great deal of teamwork. Get your child into the kitchen with you next time and have fun with this dynamic task of whipping up something the whole family can enjoy after.
• Confident Communication: When eating out, try letting your child order food. They will learn how to speak up in a noisy restaurant, be clear to make sure the right foods arrive on the table, and manners when talking to others.
Ms. Jaqueline, Founder & Principal
• Have grit (passion & perseverance): It’s important to teach children to have a “I can!” attitude and to never give up! Mistakes are not an excuse to quit, but rather an experience to learn from and be better next time.
• Accept others for who they are: Teach children to be a servant leader (as opposed to a traditional leader) and focus on the growth and well-being of the community around them. A simple activity like helping to clean up is a good starting point.
• Teamwork: Project-based learning allows children to practice leadership skills while developing their teamwork and problem-solving skills. It also helps adults observe each individual child’s leadership capabilities and guide them from there.
As children's cognitive abilities grow over time and as the challenges they face become more complex with age, we will need a different approach to help them refine their leadership skills. For three- to six-year-olds, give them a good head start at one of the following leadership preschools: