on 09/01/2017 5213
“Happy Bear” 让人联想到Disney 动画中熊妈妈的爱心和熊孩子对事物的好奇心,天真无邪及可爱的模样。校长Sheena Ng 将新欢乐幼儿园取名为 “Happy Bear Preschool”, 希望孩子们能在童话般快乐的环境中,更有效地学习与成长。
新欢乐幼儿园占两间双层排屋, 内有9间房及2个宽敞的共用区, 用作课室及活动室。采用蒙台梭利教学法的Sheena细心地规划与安排学校里家具的高度及摆放位置。无论是桌椅、书架、洗手盆、以至厕所的马桶都以学生的高度为标准。
每天早上8点,学生们开始上课,所有课程与活动都在早上进行。下午则让报名安亲班的同学洗澡、午休、吃点心及进行课业辅助。学校里所提供的食物是由学校厨房每天新鲜准备, 并让学生们在各自的座位上用餐。老师借此透过实践,教导学生餐桌礼仪及卫生习惯。
“在新欢乐幼儿园,我们非常重视学生从游戏及生活情境中学习,因为我们坚信这样才能使他们得到全方位的发展。” 校长Sheena 自信地表示。除了一年两次的学习进度报告外,幼儿园也举办多项活动,如家庭日、恳请会、毕业生活营、教育预览、家长工作坊及各种不同的节庆活动,以促进学生、家长与校方之间的交流。非常值得高兴的是这些活动都获得高达百分之八十至九十的家长热烈响应及给予好评!
到访 Happy Bear 新欢乐幼儿园后,想起英文儿歌 “Teddy Bear’ Picnic Song” , 并联想到孩子们戏水的画面。
在这所幼儿园的孩子就像Sheena 取名“Happy Bear”的原意,欢乐地学习与成长。
It is with great pleasure to have an opportunity to write this testimonial for Happy Bear Preschool. Happy Bear Preschool is really a wonderful preschool with friendly, dedicated and caring staff especially principal Teacher Sheena.
The very first day I step into the preschool, I feel the warmth of the staff, and the principal have an initiative to make time to tell you all the little details about your child's activities and progress in school. Through the staff's guidance, we can see the tremendous growth of confidence in the child and most important is that principal Sheena and the her wonderful staff make each and every child feel special and unique by providing them with lots of extra outdoor activities and advanced academic skills needed from preschool to primary and school real life situations. This is what I truly adore about Happy Bear Preschool.
Our daughter enjoyed every day since the very first day she stepped into the preschool and enjoys completing the fun and learning activities given by the preschool and I am proud to say that she can step into primary school life without any hassle and that is exactly what I, as a parent , want for my child.
From the bottom of my heart, we cannot thank the staff enough for the wonderful experience the school has provided to my child. A big thank you to all.
05/02/2018 - 01:53 pm
+ 2
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