by on 16/11/2018 14601
Eduwis Hillpark is a definitive statement of excellence in early childhood education. It is a co-educational, independent, non-denominational kindergarten designed to inspire students to achieve their maximum potential in a nurturing, progressive environment that is reflective of home. The kindergarten enrolls students aged 6 years and below. Every school day starts with plenty of natural light streaming through the windows, with everyone sharing a warm welcome and enjoying time together. Central to the service and educational approach is the importance of every individual student, and for their unique individuality to be uncovered, nurtured and celebrated in all aspects of school life.
In each corner of the kindergarten are dedicated areas deliberately set up to spark curiosity, engage student’s interests and stimulate development holistically: intellectually, cognitively, socially, emotionally and physically. Students are allowed to be a co-constructor of their own learning, and each day is a new chance for discovery and exploration. The same amount of care and consideration is given to the layout of the outdoor environment. There is a sandpit, vegetable garden, water play area and gross motor play equipment that collectively serves as an extension to stimulate student’s sense of wonder and imagination.
The Eduwis educational approach views each child as someone who is curious, creative, competent and full of potential. The aim is to foster learning opportunities that develop learners who are knowledgeable, inquiring, adventurous, principled, communicative, reflective, caring and open-minded. Within the framework, students are guided by the significant philosophies and theories in early education: Maria Montessori (living skills), Erik Erikson (psychosocial development), Lev Vygotsky (language and social skills), Confucius (moral and spiritual values), Reggio Emilia (creative learning), Jean Piaget (mental development [cognitive and critical thinking]), Shinichi Suzuki (music learning and appreciation), and Friedrich Froebel (natural environment).
In addition, teachers apply semi-child centred, hands-on, activity-based, discovery, exploratory and constructivist learning approaches to their curriculum planning. The programmes subscribe to a multidisciplinary education model that integrates different subjects to generate an understanding of common themes. Key learning areas include English, Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin, Early Mathematics, Early Science, Creative Arts (drawing/art and craft), Music (piano/music and movement), ICT, Moral, General Studies, indoor activities (drama/puppet show/dance) and outdoor activities (sand/water/physical/gardening). Teachers support students to discover deeper meanings amongst concepts through action songs, storytelling, role-playing, games, to name but a few. Students have access to an abundance of resources and natural recycled materials that allow them to actively explore their world, discover new information and apply their ideas in meaningful ways.
While a strong core programme sits at the heart of the kindergarten, the curriculum is complemented by an extensive range of activities and co-curriculars designed to enhance learning. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the rich array of opportunities that cover most interests from sports to percussion instrument presentations and puppet shows to baking. As well, outdoor education, field trips, mathematics and science competitions, and artistic and graduation concert performances add to the experiences that will help develop the whole person beyond the classroom.
The culture sees families embrace Eduwis as a second home. It is a place where everybody gets involved and works together to create a community that is rife with love and learning. Teachers will share information about student’s interests and update parents regularly about their child’s development. Students are fed a balanced menu of nutritious meals and school terms breaks are kept short, all of which have the needs of working parents in mind. Parenting workshops and parental involvement activities help expand student’s learning at home and generate quality bonding time.
Eduwis invests heavily in teacher’s skills and development so that they learn from each other and from the best practices worldwide. Teachers understand that students can only learn effectively if they are fulfilled and happy. They go the extra mile to ensure that the success of each child falls in line with the Eduwis philosophy, and that every student grows into creative critical thinkers with the flexibility best suited to the changing world.