by on 13/04/2018 18535
Apple King Kindergarten was founded in 2000 by Madam Lau Huong Ching, who dedicates herself to providing a robust educational experience for children aged 2 to 6. The strength of the programme reflects two decades of experience in education from the founding principal.
The kindergarten is housed in a spacious terrace corner lot and painted in the unmistakable green hues of the school brand. Each child is treated as an individual and is given every opportunity to achieve their maximum potential in a safe and stimulating environment.
The philosophy of education is contained in its motto “Happy students, Relieved parents and Caring teachers”. This is reflected in the school’s holistic approach towards learning, one that develops children morally, intellectually, physically, socially and artistically.
Apple King prides itself on offering children a developmentally appropriate early childhood education programme. The programme is underwritten by a curriculum that focuses on layering a child’s learning experiences and knowledge.
When children first arrive, they find themselves in a familiar, caring, sympathetic, yet vibrant environment. They begin to explore through play and experimentation, augmenting the interpersonal aspects of the Montessori method. The approach is activity-based, hands-on, thematic, individualized, as well as group-oriented. Education is integrated across five areas of learning, namely practical life, sensorial, language, mathematics and cultural skills. The programme is a huge asset to the children as it shapes, develops and fosters a love of learning during their formative years.
As children progress, more elements are added to the existing learning activities. Teachers engage children through creative teaching techniques integrating games, storytelling, pretend play and more; teachers stimulate interest through an array of learning aids including handmade props, videos, audio clips and educational computer games. Through these new challenges, children develop fine and gross motor skills, and gradually work towards building a strong foundation.
In order to facilitate a smooth transition from kindergarten to primary school, the programme continues with an intensified concept of learning within a more controlled environment. Children will have to do more writing exercises, as well as sit through spelling tests and biannual assessments. Subjects include:
The instructional model is complemented with after-school enrichment classes and extracurricular activities. They include Taekwondo, weekly physical education classes, annual field trips, concerts and sports days. Children get to engage collaboratively with each other in an active environment, while building self-confidence and self-esteem.
The day extends into after-school care until 5.30p.m. Learning support is available for children through additional coaching and guidance. In this inclusive learning environment, children also receive a varied and balanced diet packed full of nutrients.
The key element of a good school is good management and great teachers. The management of Apple King Educational Group aims to ensure that the teacher’s skills remain at best practice through regular monitoring and training.
The partnership of the parent, child and teachers is crucial towards the school’s achievement of excellence in the early childhood education sphere. Children’s development is greatly enhanced through routine updates from the teachers and parent’s involvement in their learning journey.
In all, the focus is very clearly set on the child. The principal believes that children can better navigate the complexity of the world if we “train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (King James Version, Proverbs 22:6).