Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre
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Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam

Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam
Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre - Setia Indah 10, Setia Alam, Shah Alam

Essential Details

Centre's Category: Preschool / Kindergarten / Tadika / Taska, Infant Care, Taska / Childcare (below 4yo)

Year Established: 2016

Student Age Group: 2 months - 4 years old

Program / Teaching Method: Play-based approach

Medium of Communication: English

Average Class Size: Infant 2 months - 12 months (1:3) / Toddler 13 months - 18 months (1:5) / Children 19 months - 36 months (1:5) / Children 3 - 4 years old (1:10)

Available Classes: English

Facilities: Outdoor playground, Air-conditioned rooms, CCTV surveillance, Air purifying system.

Admission & Fees: From RM1,300 - RM1,900

Disclaimer: School fees are subject to change at the discretion of the school. Kindly get in touch with the school for the most up-to-date information upon application and enrolment.

Meals Provided: Yes

Transportation Service: No

Other Services: Nursery, Infant Care

Operating Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 am - 6:30 pm



Since 2016, parents have been choosing Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre and recommending us to other parents with children aged 0-4.

Parents choose our centre because it's safe, clean, and filled with love from our well-trained caregivers.

Parents also witness their children learn new skills using our joyful education approach and they love that we serve freshly cooked, healthy meals to their children.



Infant & Baby Development Programme (2 - 12 months old) 

Contrary to popular belief, the first year of a child’s life is so critical for his or her development. This is the time their brains are growing most rapidly, producing billions of cells and hundreds of trillions of connections. Their quality of life depends primarily on the foundations they acquire in this period. Choo Choo Train Infant & Baby Development Programme gives parents the assurance that the little ones are receiving the correct stimulation with our lesson plans to influence their thinking and behaviour.


Toddler 1 Playgroup Programme (13 - 18 months old)

As a baby grows into a toddler, the lesson plans for Choo Choo Train Toddler 1 Playgroup Programme progresses to add activities that are more advanced to develop his or her intelligence in cognitive, language, social & emotional, fine & gross motor, music & movement, creative expression, and sensory exploration.


Toddler 2 Playgroup Programme (19 - 36 months old)

Children learn effectively through playing, so our lesson plans for Choo Choo Train Toddler 2 Playgroup Programme are play-based, practical, and follow a different theme every month to make their learning fun and engaging.


Nursery Exploration Programme (3 - 4 years old)

Our lesson plans for Choo Choo Train Nursery Exploration Programme are play-based, practical, and follow a different theme every month with advanced activities that prepare children with the skills required for preschool and kindergarten. 



  • Accredited baby and childcare centre
  • Localised international early years curriculum
  • Small group sizes
  • Qualified nurses and early childhood educators
  • CPR and first-aid certified staff
  • CCTV monitoring system
  • Indoor air purification system
  • Daily cleaning and disinfection
  • Balanced and healthy meal plan
  • Professional childcare SOP

For More Information ,

Blog link:

Choo Choo Train Baby & Child Care Centre eBrochure

Parents Testimonials (6)

Sim Hooi Lan rates this listing with

Thank you CCT for creating an environment where learning and other fun activities are easy and fun for young children.
I really appreciate the services you’re providing for my son, and I’ll always be thankful for the peace of mind and comfort you give me while at work.
Highly recommended!!

20/05/2021 - 04:47 pm


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Khairul Anwar rates this listing with

My wife and I are very satisfied with the services provided. My son was so happy going to school and he had a lot of improvements especially in regards to his common knowledge and language. Now we sent our daughter there as well. Setia Alam first branch.

20/05/2021 - 04:47 pm


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Lisa Voon rates this listing with

We have sent our LO to CCT since he was an infant. Quality of teachers are consistent. We have switched branches before, and we are satisfied with the quality.
What working parents need is a place where our LO is well taken care of. Teachers and staff in CCT goes beyond just taking care of the kids, they go extra miles to make learning fun for them too! Thank you, teachers and the management team!

20/05/2021 - 04:46 pm


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Yh Wu rates this listing with

Today marked the last day of Shawn at CCT SA1 as he reaching the age of entering preschool. I sent him there since he was 2 months old after my maternity leave. I’m so grateful that you provided a happy and fun learning environment for him. Thank you again for making me feel comfortable being away from my child while at work as for caring for him beyond my expectations. He will surely miss all his teachers from CCT SA1.

20/05/2021 - 04:10 pm

+ 1

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Lee San rates this listing with

Both my girls grown up at CCT Setia Indah 10. My eldest left CCT end of Dec 2017 and the youngest just left and moving forward to Kindergarten. My girls had learned a lot from the center. The teachers are friendly and caring. They are very attentive and improve the issue raised to them. The girls were so happy and you can't imagine they can speak so well at the age of 2. Well-done to all the dedicated teachers and thank you so much. Without everyone of you, we won't have peaceful mind while working. Thank you.

20/05/2021 - 04:09 pm


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Emely Chai rates this listing with

I've been sending my girl since 2 months old, now she's 2 years old. I like the fact that the helpers are qualified nurses so they would know what to do in case of emergencies or if something is not right. My daughter's learning skills (like speech, motor skills, self-eating) are quite advanced compared to other kids I know. I know CCT do a lot of fun skills training eg picking up colorful sponges using a thong, which my girl enjoys very much. She also likes entertaining us with many songs which she learns from school. I know she enjoys going to CCT as she rarely cries when I send her to school. Also I know they also trains her to eat on her own (even before turning 2!). I would highly recommend CCT as they are caring to the children and are always trying to improve in many ways and ensuring the children's safety all the time.

22/07/2016 - 09:58 am

+ 3

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