by on 23/01/2020 22067
HappyLand Psychology & Therapy Centre, Johor Bahru is a multidisciplinary therapy centre for children and adults with disabilities or delays in their development. The centre strives to provide hope by offering services in a stress-free, playful environment that enables the individual to maximize his or her full potential. As each child is unique with very specific needs, HappyLand embraces these differences with an understanding that individualised programmes work more effectively. The main focus lies in collaborating with parents, educators and other allied professionals to make a positive difference.
HappyLand Psychology & Therapy Centre was founded in 2002 by Dr. Eva Wong with the aim to promote and sustain intervention service through education and teamwork. She is a published author who has completed a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology. At the centre, Dr. Eva encourages setting individual goals and designing therapy programmes tailored to each individual’s unique needs. She endeavours to keep supporting her team to develop themselves professionally to assist families achieve outcomes that will benefit their lives most.
Here at HappyLand Psychology & Therapy Centre, a team of certified and vastly experienced disability specialists is gathered under one roof. You will find occupational therapists, physiotherapists, psychologists, counsellors and more. For 21 years, HappyLand’s highly trained team has supported hundreds of children with challenges such as:
Many children may have the same overall diagnoses, but they differ vastly in their levels of ability or presentation. For this reason, it is important to pay a visit to the centre and meet the team so that they can come up with an individually tailored programme to overcome unique challenges. Therapy recommendations will be given after a full evaluation is conducted in person. They may include a combination of the following therapies to promote independence, self-efficacy, confidence and other beneficial outcomes.
Psychoeducational Assessment A psychoeducational assessment provides a deeper understanding of an individual’s academic, workplace or behavioural issues, such as dyslexia, ADHD and autism. The assessment utilises a variety of psychometric tests to provide an in-depth exploration of one’s strengths and weaknesses compared to their peers. |
Social Skill Training Group Social skills groups teach individuals how to interact appropriately with peers through carefully designed sensory/physical exercises and games. They can be useful for those who have difficulties sustaining interactive conversations, making friends and other social communication disorders. |
Occupational Therapy Occupational therapy helps individuals who struggle with everyday tasks, such as zipping their trousers and writing, because of poor motor skills. The treatment consists of exercises and activities to improve on skills that are weak, as well as balance, coordination and self-esteem. |
Physiotherapy Physiotherapy is aimed at helping individuals who have poor posture, scoliosis, delay in physical development, remediate impairments. It helps improve mobility skills, muscle strength, motor skills and joint range of movement. |
QEEG Assessment and Neurofeedback Therapy Neurofeedback retrains the brain to alleviate symptoms of various mental and neurological health disorders, such as ongoing developmental delays, behaviour issues and post-traumatic stress disorders. |
Hydro Aromatherapy Hydro Aromatherapy leverages the therapeutic effects of water and essential oils to ease the emotion, sleep and sensory implication of a child. |
Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP) Programme The programme involves using music and multisensory input to reduce stress and auditory sensitivity. It enhances communication and social engagement by calming the emotional state of mind. |
Educational Therapy cum Focus Training This programme can be customised to the needs of individuals with learning disabilities, poor verbal expression, social understanding, learning memory or logical thinking. Over time, individuals will see improvement in the areas of cognitive, communication, social, emotional and adaptive development. |
Learning Remedial Class & Vocational Training This programme can be customised to the development and whole educational needs of children. Each child has his or her own Individual Educational Plan that covers five main areas - Physical, Social Emotion, Adaptive Behaviour, Cognitive and Communication. In addition, the centre also provides vocational training, public speaking skills, presentation skills, money management, entrepreneur training and on-the-job training. This programme maintains a low teacher-to-student ratio to ensure all needs are covered. |
Jelic Jelic has developed a complete curriculum based solely on the hands-on experiences with many kinds of manipulation to enhance children’s capabilities for procedural and creative thinking. Jelic focuses on six areas which are Intelligent Reasoning, Mathematical Deduction, Combinational Thinking, Life Skills, Linguistic Expressions and Aesthetic Creation. It is used to train the hands manipulation, build self-confidence, sharpen the senses for observation and enhance curiosity for discovery. |
Camps/Workshops The centre offers various camps and workshops including Fear Not Sensory Integration Camp, Camping sessions, Sexual Education Workshop, Social Emotion & Attention Camp (SEA Camp), and Pre-writing Camps. |
Therapists deliver support and services with compassion and care within a fun, family-friendly environment. The place is furnished with a wide range of therapeutic equipment and assessment tools, including a rooftop garden and materials that children naturally find stimulating. There is a colourful open-play area that provides visual interest to children, as well as separate treatment rooms for individuals of all abilities. Most importantly, the centre promotes an environment where therapy sessions are often perceived as play, making it an enjoyable experience. After all, the most effective way of engaging a child during therapy is to make it fun.
Therapy is as much of a journey for the parents and family as it is for the patient. HappyLand Psychology & Therapy Centre integrates coaching and counselling to support the families involved so that everyone can cope better to effectively advocate for the patient’s needs. To optimise successful outcomes, periodical parenting workshops are also offered to promote a positive impact on parent-child relationships.
If your child is diagnosed with a disability or developmental delay, rest assured that HappyLand can provide practical, solution focused strategies that are easy to implement both at home and at school to help your child. They look at the child as a whole and make therapy fun, yet effective. They connect with everyone involved, including family members, on a one to one level to bring about long-lasting changes.