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ABC Tot, Taman Midah

by on 08/09/2023 1711

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  • An early education programme based upon the Story-Based Multiple Intelligence approach, specifically aimed at toddlers aged 2 to 4 years
  • A: Active Tot (2 years old)
  • B: Busy Tot (3 years old)
  • C: Clever Tot (4 years old)

Joining the chain of acclaimed premium foundation schools for toddlers, ABC Tot Taman Midah offers families living in that particular area of Cheras and around it the opportunity of providing the best start ever for their little ones’ education. From as young as two years of age, children will be exposed to lessons in moral values, important life skills, role play, etc., while getting to build their motor skills and communication skills as well. Not to mention too, there will be lots of exploring and discovering ahead, in a safe, hygiene, and highly conducive environment.

ABC Tot, Taman Midah

Gone are the days when parents merely allocate a year or at most two, for kindergarten and/or preschool before their children begin primary school. Most, if not all modern parents today are well-informed about the critical learning years of children which should ideally be leveraged on by means of quality early education way before preschool even begins. Here’s where ABC Tot has had its hold for many years, and the Taman Midah branch is no exception, whereby families are quickly acknowledging its presence and enrolling their little ones from as young as two years old so that they can benefit from the unique curriculum offered! Kiddy123 has the inside story just for you!

A unique approach to teaching the littlest age group

The unique educational plan, which uses a story-based Multiple Intelligence Approach is intended to reveal the various differing knowledge and scholarly characteristics of little ones between the ages of 2 to 4, positively impacting them in many ways and form. The methodology also gives due recognition to the fact that children are all unique, each with their own degree of development, growth and improvement, as well as in their abilities and gifts. At the end of the day, little ones attending ABC Tot are more likely to flourish with greater ease during their golden developing and learning period.

ABC Tot, Taman Midah

Capturing children’s interest

According to the acclaimed Multiple Intelligence theory, children need to be guided in the development of a number of intelligences, which include Linguistic-Verbal Intelligence; Logical-Mathematical Intelligence; Visual-Spatial Intelligence; Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence; and Musical Intelligence; Interpersonal Intelligence; Intrapersonal Intelligence; and also their Naturalistic Intelligence; and Existential Intelligence. At ABC Tot, what happens is teachers use a unique Story-Based multiple Intelligence approach, which calls for extricating the quintessence of pre-selected stories and using them while planning fun exercises and illustrations when teaching their little students. Teachers at ABC Tot are also trained to recognise the intelligence that is most prominent in each student and leverage on it to bring out the best of the little ones at an early age.

ABC Tot, Taman Midah

The smaller sized classroom at ABC Tot is yet another testimony of their teachers’ commitment in paying due attention to each of their little understudies, to help them thrive and ultimately head towards success in their early education.

ABC Tot Taman Midah adheres to the lauded foundation school’s protocol in submitting written reports each day on their students’ progress and achievements. These reports will be uploaded into the school’s app allowing busy but concerned parents to keep track of their precious children’s daily developments.

ABC Tot also acknowledges the fact that families may have varying needs in terms of schedule, hence it actually has done away with rigid timetables, and instead, offers a flexible timeline for families to pick their preference according to their convenience. They are 2 days; 3 days or 5 days a week, and also the option of half day or full day for their daycare service. These options have been helping many families to effectively plan and arrange their time accordingly for their little ones’ classes, and with much ease too!

ABC Tot, Taman Midah

Activities and routines that help them thrive

It is a known fact that children are routine-loving beings, and at ABC Tot, teachers help their little attendees build useful habits and important life skills in fun, enjoyable ways. Hence, littles ones have no issues picking up beneficial skills and habits which will help them go far in their lives. Day by day, children get into a routine of good hygiene practices, tidying up after an activity, putting back their stuff, keeping their learning and playing space clean, etc. Throughout these practices, there are many fun-filled activities lined up for children at ABC Tot, and each day they will go home having learned something new and exciting.

ABC Tot, Taman Midah

Families of children attending ABC Tot can’t help but notice that they seem to have picked up better manners, are kinder, have more respect for others and are exceptionally responsible for their age! These are in fact some of the highest selling points of ABC Tot, in its aim to produce little graduates with more self-worth, are well-adjusted and possess all the qualities parents hope to see in their children.

ABC Tot, Taman Midah

ABC Tot has a special programme called Collaborative Cooking which is particularly popular and loved! It is an activity which teaches and guides little ones in handling food.

Designed to help little ones get familiar with the goings-on in a kitchen, the programme is conducted in a kitchen space designed to be children-friendly. Either in a solo assignment or with a team or group, children get to prepare a meal or snack while they learn more about the food they are handling. Ultimately, they get to build a healthy respect and appreciation for food and the effort that goes into food preparation. Collaborative Cooking also teaches children about kitchen cleanliness, food safety, cooperation and task-sharing in meal preparations, etc.

Weekend art fun @ ABC Tot, in collaboration with Mi Art!

Every weekend, ABC Tot takes a break from the norm classes and activities, and allows little ones to channel their inner artists by means of the centre’s special collaboration with Mi Art, our country’s acclaimed children’s art programme provider. Mi Art is actually an abbreviation of Multiple Intelligence Art, reflecting the school’s commitment to stay true to its unique approach in educating its little students. Little children love to show off their artistic handiwork, don’t they? The best part is, instead of having to tolerate surprises on the wall of the family room, or on the floor, or anywhere else where you’d rather not see these otherwise adorable artwork, bright little future leaders can now spill out their creativity in a special environment meant for them to do just that, every weekend, in the comfort of their familiar classroom. It has never failed to warm parents’ hearts to witness the artistic development in their precious little ones, week after week! Mi Art Classes are all age appropriate and as follows: Messy Art ( 3-6 years old ); Explorer Art ( 6-9 years old ); and Adventurer ( 9-12 years old ).

ABC Tot, Taman Midah

ABC Tot, Taman Midah

No. 1, Jalan Midah 17,
Taman Midah, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur 56100
019-591 1XXX
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019-591 1341 Please mention you get this contact number from
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