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8 Homework Tips For Parents: How You Can Help Your Child Study At Home

by on 12/05/2022 2503

The kids are back in school but that doesn’t mean we say goodbye to studying at home. Students are still very much assigned homework to finish so they can continue to review class material. While any parent would be willing to help with their studies, there may be those who are still unsure how to properly educate a child at home.

Being a professional teacher doesn’t happen overnight so don’t be too stressed about not being able to explain everything in your child’s assignments. But as a parent, you can instead be their number 1 supporter in their studies!

To help you start making a good study environment for your child within your household, here 8 homework tips on how to educate a child at home.

8 Homework Tips: How To Educate And Support A Child At Home

8 Homework Tips For Parents: How You Can Help Your Child Study At Home

Image source: iStock

If your child is struggling with their assignments, here are 8 homework tips for parents to keep in mind. 

1. Follow a regular routine

Creating a regular schedule with a specific time and place for your child to accomplish their homework can help them be more organised. Try setting it before the evening so that your child isn’t too tired from the day.

2. Get rid of any distractions

If you want to get the job done, best to focus on what you need to do such as working on their homework at the agreed time schedule. Make sure to turn off the TV and place other electronic devices aside to limit unnecessary distractions.

3. Divide your child’s homework into smaller parts

Now we don’t mean your child shouldn’t stop until they finish all their homework. Sometimes an overload of papers can overwhelm your child. 

Instead, make the homework more manageable by breaking them down into sections that they can work in one at a time. Definitely a great way on how to educate a child at home. 

how to educate a child at home

Image source: iStock

4. Start by helping them 

Help your little one get started on their homework by solving a few questions together. Then eventually, let your child finish the rest of the problems. 

5. Avoid doing all the work together

Completing your child’s homework all by yourself is not a good method on how to educate a child at home. You monitor their progress and give feedback but do not do everything together.

6. Remember to praise and compliment your child

Supportive words are always the best way to build up your child’s confidence. It can even make the homework more enjoyable for them knowing they’re doing a good job!

how to educate a child at home

Image source: iStock

7. Everybody makes mistakes

Don’t give your child too much of a hard time when they make mistakes. There’s always time and room to improve. As the saying goes, “Practice makes perfect!”

8. Give them incentives for when they finish their homework

While your child finishes their homework, promise them things like, “You can watch TV if you finish your homework” or “Once your done, you can play games”. 

This article was first published on theAsianParent.